What Endurance Athletes Can Teach Us About Building Wealth lifestyle wellness

Endurance Training and Wealth Building Have More In Common Than You Think

Endurance athletes as a group have a higher percentage of wealthy people than the general population.

What makes them different?

What can we learn from their unusual success that might help us duplicate it in our own...

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Finding Balance with Diet, Nutrition, and Happiness lifestyle wellness

This post has been a long time in the making. I have wanted to write about this topic for a while, because the more people I talk to, the more I realize that this is a serious problem for a lot of people. How do you find the balance between eating “right” and living well? I use the...

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Changed Behavior ā€“ The Key to Financial Wellness employers lifestyle wellness

Every day we’re reminded that handling our finances is never easy. At the end of Q3 2020, the total American household debt reached a record high of 4.3 trillion; 1.6 trillion higher than the record set during the financial crisis.

But financial issues aren’t fates reserved...

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Eight Tips to Achieve Health, Wealth and Happiness lifestyle wellness

Money, money, money. We spend a lot of our lives wanting it, earning it, spending it – and wasting it. Money figures high in the national conversation right now as the government attempts to manage the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic, and it has become a source of worry for...

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Practice Yoga for Strength Poses that Build Muscle lifestyle wellness

Want to build muscle—without stepping foot in your gym’s weight room? This power yoga sequence is about to become your new go-to.

High Lunge

The beautiful thing about yoga is that if you have a little time and a little space, you can gain a lot of flexibility and strength.

Yoga has been...

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Energy Balls | The Ultimate Recipe Guide! lifestyle wellness

I consider myself a bit of an energy ball aficionado. These sweet, no-bake treats take minutes to throw together, are filled with good-for-you ingredients, and make for quick, portable breakfasts and snacks. I have made dozens of batches of energy ball recipes over the years, and while I’m...

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12 Best Exercises to Ease Stress and Anxiety lifestyle wellness

Stress is a fact of life, but it can be a double-edged sword. In small doses, it can boost alertness and performance. But when you’re constantly stressed, that can have a significant downside.

“We have this incredible stress response system in the body that’s equipped to turn...

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10 Core Exercises to Improve Your Backā€”and Theyā€™re Better for Your Body than Crunches lifestyle wellness

The abdominals are a pain point for many gym-goers. We habitually grab a mat, get down on our backs and start crunching away to finally carve out those elusive six-pack abs. But is this the most effective way to work towards a toned midsection? The answer is no.

“When most people are...

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The Mental Benefits of Exercise lifestyle wellness

Even if you're housebound, there are ways to ensure your weekly dose of exercise, for both physical and mental health.

THE PHYSICAL BENEFITS of exercise and physical activity are well documented. They include weight management and a lowered risk of hypertension, Type 2 diabetes, and...

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5 Daily Wellness Tips to Improve Your Health Now lifestyle wellness

Some counterintuitive ways to boost your mental and physical health.

Meditate! Be Grateful! Journal! It’s starting to sound a lot like “Marsha! Marsha! Marsha!” from The Brady Bunch. I now know what Jan must have felt like. Daily, if not hourly, we are bombarded with...

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Healthy eating tips for the holidays lifestyle wellness

By now, it is well understood that this holiday season is going to be much different from those of recent years. While it is a hard fact to come to terms with, it is necessary to keep everyone safe and healthy! One silver lining is that with smaller gatherings or celebrations with your household...

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5 Easy Ways to Find Healthier Options While Grocery Shopping lifestyle wellness

Want to make smart food choices but confused by all the health claims, messages, and logos on foods? Use these tips to avoid brain strain while shopping online or in person at the store.


  1. Read food nutrition labels, even for so-called “healthier” foods....
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Tips for Eating Healthy During the Holidays lifestyle wellness

It can be easy to overindulge in treats during the holidays, but it is still possible to eat healthy during the season.

Path to improved health

Whether it’s sitting around the family dinner table or munching on endless snacks at a party, the holidays mean food. Lots of food. It can be...

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10 Reasons You Should Meditate Every Day lifestyle wellness

I have been meditating seriously for a little over a year now, and I can genuinely say that it has changed my life for the better. No, I have not reached enlightenment or experienced some coveted cathartic state, but I have learned how to be more mindful through meditation.

I have learned how...

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4 Steps to Changing Your Money Mindset lifestyle wellness

Changing your money mindset is one of the most important things you can do to guarantee your success. We all feel out of sorts with money, from those of us struggling with debt to the successful business owners I work with on a weekly basis.

People are programmed to avoid things that cause...

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How to Exercise at Home and Actually Like It lifestyle wellness

I’ve never been someone who likes to exercise at home. I like the accountability of training with other people, the adrenaline-pumping vibe of a fitness class packed with people I can silently compete with, and the focus that comes with putting your phone in a locker and just tuning into...

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12 Meditation Tips During the Coronavirus Pandemic lifestyle wellness

Right now, we're constantly being updated – some would say barraged – with dire news about the ever-evolving coronavirus pandemic. There's so much uncertainty. Most of us have experienced a complete disruption to our daily routines. We're sheltered at home and possibly dealing with...

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What Is Behavior Change, and Why Is It So Important?What Is Behavior Change, and Why Is It So Important? lifestyle wellness

WHEN IT COMES TO improving their health and wellness, most people know what they should be doing. They understand the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and have the desire to make the necessary changes. Unfortunately, there’s a disconnect between their intentions and their actual behavior.


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