Four 401(K) Myths That Could Leave You Broke employee benefits originals

In the world of retirement planning, generalization and gaslighting on social media about 401(K)'s often lead employees down the wrong financial path.

In this article, we'll debunk four common myths that may be holding you back from maximizing the potential benefits of your 401(K) account.


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Employee Financial Health and the Impact at Work employers originals

Handling your finances can be challenging, especially for employees. Not only are workers losing sleep at night because of looming debts or financial insecurity, but the negative impact of those issues is also spilling over into the workplace. 

Research commonly suggests that poor...

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How Financial Illiteracy Affects Employees employers originals

According to Forbes, 33 percent of American adults have exactly $0 saved for retirement, and a further 56 percent have less than $10,000 saved. 

These poor financial decisions and unhealthy habits are affecting the bottom-line of the organizations they work for, in more ways than...

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20 Questions That Measure Employee Engagement employers originals

Employee engagement is key to running a healthy, successful company. But it’s notoriously difficult to measure. How can you get a solid read on employee engagement?


The answer is simple: engage with your employees. Employee surveys, when utilized properly, can be instrumental in...
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A Profit-Focused Approach to Group Healthcare for 80 to 1,000 Insured, Employee Groups employers originals

Healthcare Savings Strategies I, II, and III

Healthcare is only getting more expensive

Traditionally insured healthcare costs are increasing yearly at exorbitant rates. With the original cost of each claim so difficult to ascertain, it becomes impossible to gauge the appropriate...

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These Hidden 401(k) Fees Can Cost Workers Years of Hard Earned Retirement Savings employers originals

Do you know how much your 401(k) offering costs? It can sometimes be hard to tell, with fees coming out of earnings before employees even see them. 

Some fees will always be inevitable, but knowing which charges to avoid can help you give your employees a highly successful retirement...

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401(k) Fees Explained: The Necessary vs. Unnecessary401(k) Fees Explained: The Necessary vs. Unnecessary employers originals

Today, technological transparencies are being applied to almost every aspect of our lives, to the benefit of consumers. Being more informed about costs and procedures means you can make more informed decisions.

Yet despite this progressive trend, the conventional 401(k) fee and service models...

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The Art and Science of Employee Engagement employers originals

There’s a popular term being thrown around, “employee engagement”.

 We’ve seen it mean everything from having sleeping pods in the office to software platforms that connect management to their employees.

Well, just so we’re clear:

A recent Gallup poll...

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401(k)ā€™s vs. Employee Retention employers originals

Aren’t 401(k)’s supposed to help companies retain employees?

 Did you know that only 38% of all employees who are offered a 401(k) choose to contribute, and that number drops to below 30% when segmenting millennials only?



Why don’t employees...

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The 4 Pillars of a Successful Company Culture employers originals

Your company culture is the heart of your business. It reaches every corner of your company and if you don’t take care of it, you will see your business weaken.

Company culture is a selling point. It helps you recruit new talent and retain the employees you have. Yet many companies...

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Your 401(k) Plan: Why Aren Employees Contributing and What You Can Do About It employers originals

Your 401(k) plan is one of the strongest parts of your company’s benefits package. Offering employees a reliable way to save for retirement not only helps attract top-tier talent, but it bolsters retention and employee engagement levels. These are major benefits that you won’t be...

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How Switching to a Self Funded Healthcare Plan Can Result in Major Cost Savings for Your Small or Medium Business employers originals

It’s no secret that health care is expensive. Yet providing a comprehensive benefits package to your employees is essential to retention, engagement, and the overall health of your company. 

So how do you make sure your employees are getting the coverage they need without breaking...

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How to Create an Effective Employee Benefits Package for Your Small to Medium-Sized Business employers originals

Managing employee benefits is the most important task your H.R. team will undertake. Selecting what benefits to offer is a decision that will impact every corner of your business because it is how you maintain your workforce. Building an effective employee benefits package will not only attract...

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These Hidden 401(k) Fees Can Cost Workers Years of Hard Earned Retirement Savings employers originals

Do you know how much your 401(k) offering costs? It can sometimes be hard to tell, with fees coming out of earnings before employees even see them. 

According to the Center for American Progress, studies frequently find no correlation between higher fees and better portfolio performance....

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Coronavirus Survival Tips for Businesses with 100 to 1,000 Employees employers originals

In times of economic uncertainty, small businesses bear a lot of the burden. As communities continue to stay quarantined with only essential businesses open, a huge financial strain is compounding many of the nation’s smaller businesses. 

These events are largely outside of your...

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Financial Survival Tips For Middle America During the COVID-19 Pandemic originals

We’re amid a market-stalling pandemic, and while the long-term effects remain uncertain, we can see firsthand the short-term issues and anxiety caused by COVID-19.

Between coronavirus-related layoffs and market instability, a lot of Americans have seen their income drop drastically....

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