How To Thrive at Work lifestyle wellness

We love feeling excited and energized by our work. We are so lucky to have multiple roles where we get to do cool things and are constantly learning. In short, we thrive at work! Today, I want to share some pretty cool research on thriving at work and what that means for you!

What Does It Mean...

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50 Ideas for Your Ideal Morning lifestyle wellness

The best morning routine is the one that's perfectly tailored to you.

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10 of the Best Ways to Make an Impact at Work lifestyle wellness

Showing up to the office on time, making an effort to be friendly to coworkers, and having a great work ethic—are all ways to make difference at your workplace. Whether or not we realize it, we are always making an impact at our jobs. The question is: is it a positive one?


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How a Happy Body Makes a Happy Mind lifestyle wellness

In the previous articles in this series, we’ve looked at a high-level overview of how to build a happy life.

Over the next bunch of articles, we’ll dig into the details – your Happiness Essentials.

Since happiness is when your life fulfills your needs, let’s look at...

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9 WAYS TO AFFORD ORGANIC FOOD lifestyle wellness

You want to eat healthier and buy more organic food and products, but you’re worried about the cost?

I get that. I’ve been there! (I’m still there!)

When we decided to eat real food as a one-income family with an already tight budget, it was hard to justify...

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How to start an exercise club at work lifestyle wellness

Have you broken your New Year’s resolution to stay active? OK, who hasn’t? Exercising isn’t always fun, but it promotes a healthy lifestyle which is beneficial for anyone. Showing up is the first step, but it can be hard to commit long term. It can be easier to take those first...

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Relaxation Techniques lifestyle wellness

Relaxation techniques help you activate a relaxation response within your body, to achieve a state of calmness. As such, relaxation techniques are widely known for their ability to reduce stress, help you sleep better, help you clear your mind, and they can even help you deal with depression....

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The Benefits of Vitamin D "The Sunshine Vitamin" lifestyle wellness

Vitamin D is sometimes called the “sunshine vitamin” because it’s produced in your skin in response to sunlight. It’s a fat-soluble vitamin in a family of compounds that includes vitamins D-1, D-2, and D-3.

Your body produces vitamin D naturally when...

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10 Tips to Increase Your Job Satisfaction lifestyle wellness

You Can Combat Your Feelings of Weariness With These Activities

Are you weary? No matter how much you love your job, love your employer, and love your life, sometimes you just feel weary. In recent years, work has expanded as fewer employees work harder and longer.

Employer expectations...

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How To Be a Great Coworker lifestyle wellness

Being a great coworker can make a big difference for everyone in your workplace. Establishing and fostering relationships with the people you spend a lot of time with makes for a more enjoyable day, and it can help you advance your career.

In this article, we will look at the difference...

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Stress Management: Breathing Exercises for Relaxation lifestyle wellness


Have you ever noticed how you breathe when you feel relaxed? The next time you are relaxed, take a moment to notice how your body feels. Or think about how you breathe when you first wake up in the morning or just before you fall asleep. Breathing exercises can help you relax because...

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“Enough" is Your Best Friend lifestyle wellness personal finance

“Enough” is where you find calm and peace in your life.

It’s where you know your income, either active, passive or a blend of both, is enough to cover your living expenses.

It’s where you know you spend enough to be happy, but not so much that you...

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7 Essential Keys To Finding Fulfillment At Work lifestyle wellness

Work. It’s what we spend the majority of our adult lives doing. We all want careers that are personally engaging and financially secure, and sometimes we need to make career changes to find that satisfaction.

I know that was the case with me. I had to leave a career that I found very...

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The 7 Best Budget Apps for 2021 lifestyle wellness personal finance

These budget apps vary in their scope, methods, and features — but they all rank high among users.

The most basic budget apps typically connect with your financial accounts, track spending and categorize expenses so you can see where your money is going. But many apps do much more than...

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The 10-Minute Morning Routine That Will Change Your Game lifestyle wellness

How you spend your first waking minutes can benefit you all day long

Your first waking minutes are about clearing the cobwebs of sleep from your mind and getting your brain focused and revved up for the day. How you prep your mind and body during those first minutes is key to putting yourself...

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Power of Vitamin D lifestyle wellness

You'll be shocked when you read what you can do to improve your health and what Big Pharma doesn't want you to know about the most affordable treatment around -Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is crucial to our health, yet most people are low in this vital vitamin - despite the vitamins they take, the foods...

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5 Daily Wellness Tips to Improve Your Health Now lifestyle wellness

Some counterintuitive ways to boost your mental and physical health.

Meditate! Be Grateful! Journal! It’s starting to sound a lot like “Marsha! Marsha! Marsha!” from The Brady Bunch. I now know what Jan must have felt like. Daily, if not hourly, we are bombarded with much of...

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7 Tips for Relieving Daily Stress and Calming Down lifestyle wellness

Whether you’re racing to catch a bus, striving to meet a big deadline at work, or trying to balance your family’s needs with your own, stress is part of our modern life. We’ve all got it, and most of the time we take it in stride.

In many ways, a little stress can be a...

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