4 Steps To Break Your Job-Hopping Habit

Are job-hopping and career success related to each other? What is the effect of one on the other? How long is too long to stay at a company?

I must admit, the resumes that pass by my desk make me conclude that job-hopping is far too common.

Job-hoppers hop for various reasons. More often than...

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Go From "Spender" to "Saver"

After a bit of a wake-up call we managed to change our money habits… here’s how we did it.

Before I start I’d better explain our attitude towards money. We were having dinner with friends the other day and they were regaling us with tales of getting stuck into their...

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How to Stop Procrastinating

It's Friday afternoon and the clock is ticking. You're working furiously to complete a task before the five o'clock deadline, while silently cursing yourself for not starting it sooner.

How did this happen? What went wrong? Why did you lose your focus?

Well, there were the hours that you spent...

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Overwhelmed? These 6 Strategies May Help

Overwhelm is a 20-foot wave crashing into you. Repeatedly. Psychologist Marla W. Deibler, PsyD, described overwhelm as “feeling completely overcome in mind or emotion.” When we think a stressor is too great for us to manage, we feel overwhelmed, she said.

Feeling overwhelmed has...

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Eat for Success: The right foods to boost work performance

Most of us get the connection between what we eat and our overall health, from weight, cholesterol levels, and athletic performance to illness.

We seldom, however, link what we ate for lunch with how well we juggle afternoon emails, conduct meetings, hit deadlines, and impress clients.


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The Power of Compound Interest


Grow Your Wealth With Interest and Patience

It is said that Albert Einstein once noted that the most powerful force in the universe is the principle of compounding. In investing and finance, this force manifests itself through the concept of compounding returns.

In simple terms, compound...

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10 Strategies for Absolute Clarity

Living intentionally requires clarity. When you are clear about what makes you happy, healthy, loving, and wonderful, you can be happy, healthy, loving, and wonderful.

Imagine a life with less confusion and doubt. Clarity makes everything easier, but getting there requires change and commitment...

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How a Happy Body Makes a Happy Mind lifestyle wellness

In the previous articles in this series, we’ve looked at a high-level overview of how to build a happy life.

Over the next bunch of articles, we’ll dig into the details – your Happiness Essentials.

Since happiness is when your life fulfills your needs, let’s look at...

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9 WAYS TO AFFORD ORGANIC FOOD lifestyle wellness

You want to eat healthier and buy more organic food and products, but you’re worried about the cost?

I get that. I’ve been there! (I’m still there!)

When we decided to eat real food as a one-income family with an already tight budget, it was hard to justify...

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5 Ways to Supercharge Your 401(K) Savings personal finance

Nearly one in three Americans have less than $50,000 saved for retirement, according to a recent TD Ameritrade poll. If you retire at age 65, you can expect to spend about $981,150 throughout a 20-year retirement — so why are Americans so far behind?

If you work for a...

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How to start an exercise club at work lifestyle wellness

Have you broken your New Year’s resolution to stay active? OK, who hasn’t? Exercising isn’t always fun, but it promotes a healthy lifestyle which is beneficial for anyone. Showing up is the first step, but it can be hard to commit long term. It can be easier to take those first...

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8 Financial Tips for Young Adults personal finance

How to get started on saving and investing in your future

Unfortunately, personal finance is not a required subject in most high schools or colleges. This lack of basic financial education leaves many young adults clueless about how to manage their money, apply for credit, and get or stay out...

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The Benefits of Financial Coaching personal finance

What is Money and Finance Coaching?

Money and finance coaching is focused on improving the financial status of both personal or business clients. Personal financial coaching addresses an individual or couple and the focus depends on what season they are at in life. Business clients include...

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Relaxation Techniques lifestyle wellness

Relaxation techniques help you activate a relaxation response within your body, to achieve a state of calmness. As such, relaxation techniques are widely known for their ability to reduce stress, help you sleep better, help you clear your mind, and they can even help you deal with depression....

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Dave Ramseyā€™s 7 Baby Steps: Is It the Best Way to Pay Off Debt? personal finance

Dave Ramsey’s rise to superstardom started in 1992 with the launch of “The Dave Ramsey Show.” Now syndicated to over 600 affiliate radio stations, Ramsey has the ears of over 14 million listeners every week, according to his website.

You can trace his success to several...

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The Benefits of Vitamin D "The Sunshine Vitamin" lifestyle wellness

Vitamin D is sometimes called the “sunshine vitamin” because it’s produced in your skin in response to sunlight. It’s a fat-soluble vitamin in a family of compounds that includes vitamins D-1, D-2, and D-3.

Your body produces vitamin D naturally when...

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11 Apps To Help You Save Money and Spend Smarter (Who Doesnā€™t Want That?) personal finance

If you want to be better about your finances, you don’t have to tackle that goal alone—that’s what technology is for!

So, to help sort through the clutter of apps out there, we’re sharing with you 11 of our favorite money management and budgeting tools on NetWellth...

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10 Tips to Increase Your Job Satisfaction lifestyle wellness

You Can Combat Your Feelings of Weariness With These Activities

Are you weary? No matter how much you love your job, love your employer, and love your life, sometimes you just feel weary. In recent years, work has expanded as fewer employees work harder and longer.

Employer expectations...

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