Steps for Young Adults to Open and Maintain a 401(k) personal finance

In your twenties and even in your thirties, retirement seems like a long time away. But the fact is, someday you may (most likely you will) want to stop working as hard as you do and relax and enjoy your life in your 60's, 70's and beyond. Plus, with young adults taking great care of themselves,...

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The Psychology of Money ā€“ How Saving and Spending Habits are Programmed in Your Brain personal finance

Have you ever wondered why you handle money the way you do? Perhaps you’re a saver and you feel satisfaction every time you look at your growing account balances and displeasure when you need to buy something. Or maybe you’re a compulsive shopaholic, looking at life as...

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What Endurance Athletes Can Teach Us About Building Wealth lifestyle wellness

Endurance Training and Wealth Building Have More In Common Than You Think

Endurance athletes as a group have a higher percentage of wealthy people than the general population.

What makes them different?

What can we learn from their unusual success that might help us duplicate it in our own...

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How Retirement Spending Changes With Time personal finance

New retirees sometimes worry that they are spending too much, too soon. Should they scale back? Are they at risk of outliving their money? This concern may be legitimate. Some households "live it up" and spend more than they anticipate as retirement starts to unfold. In 10 or 20 years, though,...

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Finding Balance with Diet, Nutrition, and Happiness lifestyle wellness

This post has been a long time in the making. I have wanted to write about this topic for a while, because the more people I talk to, the more I realize that this is a serious problem for a lot of people. How do you find the balance between eating “right” and living well? I use the...

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8 Secrets to How Minimalism Saves You Money personal finance

How does minimalism save you money? Well, that answer is obvious. You’re spending less, therefore you’re saving more. That’s not earth-shattering news to you I’m sure. But there are deeper secrets to how minimalism causes us to save more. And it goes beyond just choosing...

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Changed Behavior ā€“ The Key to Financial Wellness employers lifestyle wellness

Every day we’re reminded that handling our finances is never easy. At the end of Q3 2020, the total American household debt reached a record high of 4.3 trillion; 1.6 trillion higher than the record set during the financial crisis.

But financial issues aren’t fates reserved...

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The Effects of Cost-Optimizing Your 401(k) Plan For Higher Participation and Employee Engagement employers

Do you know what percentage of Americans on average were enrolled in a 401(k) in 2019?
Only 38%


Indeed, some jobs do not offer retirement savings, but many of the remaining 68% are American workers actively deciding not to take part in their provider’s 401(k). One of the...

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Eight Tips to Achieve Health, Wealth and Happiness lifestyle wellness

Money, money, money. We spend a lot of our lives wanting it, earning it, spending it – and wasting it. Money figures high in the national conversation right now as the government attempts to manage the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic, and it has become a source of worry for...

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Practice Yoga for Strength Poses that Build Muscle lifestyle wellness

Want to build muscle—without stepping foot in your gym’s weight room? This power yoga sequence is about to become your new go-to.

High Lunge

The beautiful thing about yoga is that if you have a little time and a little space, you can gain a lot of flexibility and strength.

Yoga has been...

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The 11 Worst Retirement Mistakesā€”And How to Sidestep Them personal finance

Think ahead and you can avoid these missteps and save your retirement

To avoid the worst retirement mistakes, you have to be realistic about your plans and think ahead. Unfortunately, it's all too easy to make the wrong financial moves when preparing for retirement. According to the Federal...

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Energy Balls | The Ultimate Recipe Guide! lifestyle wellness

I consider myself a bit of an energy ball aficionado. These sweet, no-bake treats take minutes to throw together, are filled with good-for-you ingredients, and make for quick, portable breakfasts and snacks. I have made dozens of batches of energy ball recipes over the years, and while I’m...

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4 Things That May Help Maximize 401(k) Savings in 2021 personal finance

With pensions disappearing and the future of social security unknown, American workers are now largely responsible for their retirement savings. 

For many employees, a 401(k) is their largest asset come retirement.  

Yet, too many investors set up their 401(k), contribute each...

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Financial Wellness in a Digital Age: Actionable Ways to Engage Participants employers personal finance

'Once you’ve got your tech platform sorted, you can leverage different tools like breakout rooms and whiteboards

Implementing financial wellness programs with plan sponsors was already hard. Cue COVID-19 and the challenges have multiplied. Advisors are no...

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Why Your Credit Score Is Important personal finance

Your credit score and underlying history are some of the most vital parts of your financial life. Your credit score follows you forever and it will play a huge role in many major financial situations throughout your life. Many people think that a credit score only really matters when it comes to...

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12 Best Exercises to Ease Stress and Anxiety lifestyle wellness

Stress is a fact of life, but it can be a double-edged sword. In small doses, it can boost alertness and performance. But when you’re constantly stressed, that can have a significant downside.

“We have this incredible stress response system in the body that’s equipped to turn...

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Easy ways to tackle credit card debt personal finance

If you’ve spent a lot on your credit cards in recent months and you’re worried about how you’ll pay it off, try not to worry, there are plenty of ways to tackle it and get on top of your finances, so you can start to feel more in control. 


Get the ball rolling


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10 Core Exercises to Improve Your Backā€”and Theyā€™re Better for Your Body than Crunches lifestyle wellness

The abdominals are a pain point for many gym-goers. We habitually grab a mat, get down on our backs and start crunching away to finally carve out those elusive six-pack abs. But is this the most effective way to work towards a toned midsection? The answer is no.

“When most people are...

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