How to Exercise at Home and Actually Like It lifestyle wellness

I’ve never been someone who likes to exercise at home. I like the accountability of training with other people, the adrenaline-pumping vibe of a fitness class packed with people I can silently compete with, and the focus that comes with putting your phone in a locker and just tuning into...

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5 Ways to Save for Vacation personal finance

Summer vacation planning often begins around this time of year, when you start thinking that it would be nice to getaway. But hopefully, you're also thinking about budgeting for a vacation. Vacations tend to go better when ample money is set aside for them. If you're planning a summer vacation,...

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12 Meditation Tips During the Coronavirus Pandemic lifestyle wellness

Right now, we're constantly being updated – some would say barraged – with dire news about the ever-evolving coronavirus pandemic. There's so much uncertainty. Most of us have experienced a complete disruption to our daily routines. We're sheltered at home and possibly dealing with...

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Parents: Teach Your Children (To Retire) Well personal finance

Do you want to know an often underutilized strategy to increase the odds you will retire in comfort? It not only has the power to make you more financially secure, but it can give you greater peace of mind. What’s more, you won’t have to leave your kitchen table to use this method.


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What Is Behavior Change, and Why Is It So Important?What Is Behavior Change, and Why Is It So Important? lifestyle wellness

WHEN IT COMES TO improving their health and wellness, most people know what they should be doing. They understand the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and have the desire to make the necessary changes. Unfortunately, there’s a disconnect between their intentions and their actual behavior.


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You're Not Nuts. This Really Is A Crazy Time. Here Are A Dozen Ways To Cope lifestyle wellness

It's truly a fall gale of epic proportions, as turbulent winds of uncertainty pummel us from one high anxiety to another.

"It's the pandemic, it's the social unrest, it's climate change and the wildfires. It's the election, it's upcoming holidays,said Vaile Wright, American Psychological...

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5 Crucial Financial Lessons For Kids Of All Ages personal finance

There may never be a better opportunity than now to teach your kids about money.

Many parents are likely spending more time with their children thanks to closed summer camps and virtual schooling brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. 

“We don’t always get a chance in our...

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The 8 Best Vegetable Replacements for Carbohydrates lifestyle wellness

There’s a meme going around the internet that says something to the effect of “if cauliflower can become pizza, then you can become anything you put your mind to.” Funny, sure, but also on-trend given that one of the biggest movements in nutrition and healthy eating right now...

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What Is The 50/30/20 Rule Budget? personal finance

In a Nutshell


The 50/30/20 rule budget is a simple way to budget that doesn’t involve detailed budgeting categories. Instead, you spend 50% of your after-tax pay on needs, 30% on wants, and 20% on savings or paying off debt.


The 50/30/20 rule budget can be a great tool...

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15 Quotes About Positive Thinking lifestyle wellness

People whine and complain often—it’s human nature. You may have complained about a canceled trip due to coronavirus or whined about how your banana bread recipe turned out in the oven. As it turns out, the power of positive thinking is real. A small 2016 study published in Behaviour...

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Can Exercising Before Bed Affect Your Sleep? lifestyle wellness

Exercise is a key way to stay healthy and live a longer, more productive life. It’s beneficial in several ways, not least of which is its ability to promote good sleep. Tiring yourself out with a tough workout is a great way to help your body feel ready for sleep when it’s time to go...

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15 of the Best Money Saving Apps for 2020 personal finance

We're a huge fan of using technology to optimize our financial life, and the list of money-saving apps just keeps growing. There are now apps that analyze your spending, help you get refunds, negotiate your bills, create a budget, and help us save on investment fees.

But with so many apps on...

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The Deep Connection Between Your Health And Wealth lifestyle wellness personal finance

“When health is absent ... wealth becomes useless,” the ancient Greek physician Herophilus once famously said. That might have been the case 2,300 or so years ago, but it’s a doctrine I live by today, specifically noting the benefits of regular checks for both your health and...

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Five Rules to Improve Your Financial Health personal finance

The term “personal finance” refers to how you manage your money and plan for your future. All of your financial decisions and activities have an effect on your financial health. We are often guided by specific rules of thumb, such as “don’t buy a house that costs more...

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How Financial Illiteracy Affects Employees employers originals

According to Forbes, 33 percent of American adults have exactly $0 saved for retirement, and a further 56 percent have less than $10,000 saved. 

These poor financial decisions and unhealthy habits are affecting the bottom-line of the organizations they work for, in more ways than...

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3 Ways to Give Great – and Effective – Feedback lifestyle wellness

Giving constructive feedback can be tricky – because change, no matter how small, is uncomfortable.

FEEDBACK, IN ORDER, TO be effective, simply can’t – or shouldn’t, rather – be a comfortable process. Feedback exists to ignite awareness in how another person...

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Good Fats vs. Bad Fats for Healthy Heart lifestyle wellness

Knowing the difference can make all the difference in cardiovascular health.

NOT SO LONG AGO, FAT was the mortal enemy in the fight for good health. All fat was considered bad, especially for cardiovascular health. Today, the situation is more nuanced. Science has determined that all...

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Seriously, Though, How Much Should I Be Saving for Retirement Right Now? personal finance

Retirement? Please! The odds of even being able to retire are slim.

With so many other pressing financial demands — combined with living through a global pandemic and recession — it’s completely understandable why you may scoff at the notion of retirement. 


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